Instagram on iPad is an online social networking app that allows users to share videos and photos. It was launched in October 2010 and has grown with a remarkable speed already having over 100 million active users. Instagram is available across several smartphones and tablets with the iOS and Android operating software. It comes for free and is distributed through the Apple App Store, Google Play, and Windows Phone Store.
With Instagram, users are able to take videos and photos, and share them on a number of social networking platforms such as Facebook, Flickr, Twitter and Tumblr. Instagram has the distinctive feature of confining photos to a square shape like that of Kodak Instamatic and Polaroid images. This is in contrast to the conventional 4:3 aspect ratio typical to mobile device cameras.
Instagram is a fast and easy way of sharing photos and videos. It however has a limit to the duration of the video, which is 15 seconds. This is largely why people regard it as a photo app. Smartphone users, particularly those of the younger generations, largely attribute the fun and ease of using Instagram to its widespread acceptance and usage.
To use the Instagram app on the iPad or any device for that matter, you need to create an account. Of course this is after the app has been downloaded from the iTunes App store. All you need for the account creation is your username and password; and you are good to go.
Alternative Instagram App on iPad
Not until very recently, Instagram was not available on the iTunes App Store, meaning iPad users and others with smartphones that run on iOS had no access to Instagram. However, Introducing various third-party apps for Instagram in the iTunes App Store bridged this gap.. Several iOS developers have taken their time to ensure iPad users do not miss out on the fun and excitement of using Instagram. Some third-party apps available for iPad users wanting to explore Instagram include Flow for Instagram, Retro for Instagram, Padgram, Instapad,Iris, Pictacular and Infinitgallery. Some of these apps are available for free, while some developers charge a one-time fee to have users download some. The Flow for Instagram app is a very good Instagram app available for users and it comes for free.
Instagram is easy to use and so are the other third-party apps. With the tap of a few buttons, users can easily snap and share photos with friends across the various supported social networking sites. Instagram also comes with a photo filter feature that allows users to edit their photos before publishing them. Sierra, Amaro, Hudson and Rise are some of the available filters.
Users can configure their account to post photos to any social media sites or sent by email. With constant work carried on by the team of developers in Instagram, ipad users are sure to get regular updates from Instagram and other third party app developers.