My Favorite iPad Apps for Kids

By | April 27, 2014

So you just got your kids a new IPad either for educational purposes because making your kid a genius never hurts, or simply for entertainment, giving your kids a pleasant activity to partake in, while you can perhaps take a nice candlelight bath. Now an iPad by itself is good, but not great, that’s where My Favorite iPad Apps for Kids come into play. Which iPad apps for kids should I get?

My Favorite iPad Apps for Kids

An IPad is no IPhone which is why one should really take advantage of that huge screen. Toddlers especially benefit from the size of an IPad. And if your toddler is a fan of Tickle Me Elmo, then he will love the Elmo Loves ABC app. This app kills two birds with one stone, it is both educational and entertaining for children around the age of 3. Elmo in this app creates a hands-on dynamic experience where the child will develop letter recognition as a result of having traced them on the screen with their tiny-bitty hands. Remember parents it’s never too early to learn your ABC’s.

But now you ask, “my child is more of the creative type, what would you suggest then? That is where I would direct you towards the Drawing Pad app. Not only will this app save you the time for the after clean up of a five-year-old’s art endeavors in your pristine living room. But it will also allow him to satisfy his creative urges. In perhaps what could be graphic design preparation for the near future?

My Favorite iPad Apps for Kids

All work and no play makes for a very unhappy child, which means it’s time for some serious entertainment. What are the best IPad apps for kids? Without further ado I present to you a crowd favorite, Angry Birds. This game is hands down one of the most challenging and fun games for kids on IPad. However, be warned, this is a very addictive game. Furthermore, it’s somewhat violent, relatively speaking, as the characters are cartoons, not real people. One thing is for certain after this app, expect your kids next birthday to be Angry Birds themed.

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